Therapeutic Services

Individual Counselling & Psychotherapy

Counselling & Psychotherapy sessions offer you a confidential space to explore your thoughts and emotions, and work towards personal growth and healing.

Couples Therapy

I provide a safe & supportive environment to address relationship challenges, improve communication, and strengthen connection with your partner you can maintain further. 


Trauma has many different ways of affecting your life negatively, and is often unrecognised for many years.  I am here to support you with unclarity and overwhelm you experience. 

Discernment Counselling 

Is a brief couples therapy for couples, who are uncertain about their relationship.  The aim is to support partners in decision making and explore different alternatives to them.  

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I book an Initial Consultation or Counselling session?

You can book an initial consultation or therapy session by filling out online contact form, calling me on 07492441212 or sending an email to with a brief description of your needs for therapy.  

What can I expect during my first therapy session?

During your first session, you get to know me and together we will outline your concerns, and get an understandnig of how we will work together.  We would have more time to explore your concerns and see how to move forward. 

What are the benefits of having therapy?

The benefits  you may gain from therapy vary and include: 

  • being able to manage anxiety, depression, anger, stress, sleep
  • finding a balance in your life
  • understanding the causes of your challenges
  • being able to recognise triggers of your unhelpful behaviours 
  • trying new behaviours which produce better results 
  • beginning to approach life in a more open way
  • being able to build skills that you may need in social situations 
  • setting goals you have been postponing and working towards achieving them
  • building confidence
  • reconnecting or connecting with your partner, spouse on a more intimate/ emotional level
  • improving your sex life


How long do I need therapy?

Therapy is very individual and gives you space to work on your needs with a chosen therapist. After an initial consultation, you would be able to decide whether short term or long term therapy migh be suitable for you. Some individuals prefer to stay short term for a variety of reasons.

Others stay longer, because they need more time to reflect and work through their individual needs. I provide short term therapy of 6 up to 20 sessions, with an option of being open ended. This is until you feel you have done enough for yourself, to be ready to go through the challenges life brings every day.​​


How can Therapy support me?

People often ask me about the benefits counselling/psychotherapy offer, and how these disciplines can help them to change or enhance their lives. I believe, that counselling and psychotherapy may support you in many different ways.  For example, if you struggle to manage your feelings in situations where you need to be fully present and able to engage with others. It also provides you a safe space wherein you can bring any concerns, you do not feel comfortable sharing or are afraid of voicing elsewhere. Everyone of us is unique in their own way, and has different needs and wants to be fulfilled. I support my clients on their journeys towards positive change, and believe, that each client has the answers deeply embedded within themselves. Very often we do not realise, that we already have the strength and skills within ourselves. These become unseen, unrecognised throughout our lives and simply need a support of a therapist to be rediscovered. ​